Perfect Isolation

Topics of discussion:

  1. Pre-isolation preparation
  2. Multiple isolation
  3. DME (Deep Marginal Elevation)
  4. Different isolation techniques
  5. Additional isolation methods
  6. Why should we use rubberdam?
  7. Armamentarium (clamps, frames ,etc)
  8. Soft tissue trimming
  9. DME & DMA
  10. How to control leakage?
  11. When not to use Rubberdam?


  1. Quadrant isolation.
  2. Teflon Application
  3. Floss ligature
  4. Inversion
  5. Class II & V.

For registration, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on:

01099050598 (call & WhatsApp)

  • Date : October 18, 2024
  • Venue : Tomorrow Tooth Academy