
Master Anterior Composite

we have heard many times that highly esthetic anterior restorations needs sophisticated and complex approaches, only reachable to th ‘GIFTED ones ‘ . what if i tell you that this is possile to teach and repeat a feasible method that allows you to achieve perfect restoration with a high rate of success. Material selection , application technique and morphology management is now-a-days mandatory to mimic the slightest nuances from our patient’s teeth, but always without getting in difficulties to do so.

DR.ABDELRAHMAN AHMED TAWFIK , DR. AHMED KHAIRY & DR. AMR FATHY ”” will be our mentors to achieve the ultimate level through lectures & hands-on will be through Microscope for visualisation of very fine details.

COURSE CURRICULUM (2 intensive days)

Day (1) ”MONO-SHADE”
• MONO-SHADE revoulution
• Appropriate case selection for mono shade
• Simplicity of shade selection in mono-shade cases
• Material and matrix selection
• Injection molding and its beauty
• Application of injection molding in ( diastema closure, black
triangle, pig-shaped lateral, class III. )
• Finishing the injected restoration
• Prefernces between monoshade and layering in class 5
• Q&A

– Hands-on
• Each participate will do black triangel clousure, pig-shaped
lateral and class III

Day (2) ”LAYRING”
• Shade selection
• Color analysis and deifferance between hue , chroma and
• Digital photography in detection of hue , chroma and value
• Chroma based composite vs value based one
• Reproduction of palatal index ( direct and indirect )
• Control thickness of first enaml layer
• Which dentin we should use and how many layers
• When and how to use stain internal or external
• Final enaml layer refining and control the anatomy
• How to detect surface characterization
• How to finish and produce primary , secondary and tertiary
• Polishing protocol
• Q & A

– Hand-on
• Each participate will do compelete class IV restoration

  • Date : 26/07/2018 - 27/07/2018

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