4 days 5-12-19-26/12

1st day

  1. Gingiva design .
  2. Planning for tough cases.
  3. Upper arch design.
  4. Cutback design (with its variations) .

2nd day

  1. Final restoration evaluation
  2. veneers design .
  3. Upper & lower arches design considering occlusion & articulation.

3rd day

  1. Framework with thimble crowns then crowns & gingiva design.
  2. Framework types, material & rational.
  3. MUA & zirconia framework.
  4. Ti-base & superstructure design.

4th day

  1. Surgical guides design with immediate provisional restoration
  2. Planning of prosthetically driven implants.

For registration, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us on:

01099050598 (call & WhatsApp)

  • Date : December 5, 2024 - December 26, 2024
  • Venue : Tomorrow Tooth Academy