Clinical rubberdam isolation + posterior composite restoration

Due to the high demands from our fellow dentists, and for the first time in Zagazig. “Dr. Abdelrahman Tawfik learning center” is now offering full CLINICAL course in Rubberdam isolation and posterior composite restoration in which:

1- Each participant will perform the isolation and restoration procedures on a phantom head simulator first under the microscope.
2- Each participant will get to treat one clinical case with his own hands using the microscope also, under complete supervision of Dr. Tawfik step by step.
3- The course is limited to only FOUR dentists.

N.B: All the practical and clincal work will be preceded with theoritical lectures and previous cases discussions.

for registration contact:
Dr. Abdelrahman Tawfik on 01000756577

  • Date : October 12, 2016 - October 14, 2016