11 th posterior composite and isolation course

We have heard many times that highly aesthetic restorations need sophisticated and complex approaches, only reachable to the `gifted onesĀ“. What if I tell you that this is possible to teach and repeat a feasible method that allows you to achieve perfect restorations with a high rate of success. Material selection, layering technique and morphology management is now-a-days mandatory to mimic the slightest nuances from our patientĀ“s teeth, but always without getting in difficulties to do so.

Dr Abdelrahman Ahmed Tawfik will be our mentor to achieve the ultimate level through lectures , hands-on will be through Microscope for visualisation of very fine details and workshop.

COURSE CURRICULUM (2 intensive days)

Day 1 (Isolation + Composite 1)

( Topics will be covered through Lectures ,Microscope Demos , workshop for practicing the learnt techniques )

1.Importance of Rubberdam application in Daily Dental Practice
2.Rubberdam Components ( Different types of Clamps & Wedges,Frames )
3. RD application Techniques
4.Isolations creative tools (PTFE, Floss, Wedges , Flowable composite , liquidam )
5.Quadrant Isolation
6.Pre-endo build up (Why , when , how)

**DAY 2 (Composite 2 +workshop)

1- Total etch VS self-etch !
2- Selective etch technique.
3- How to overcome hypersensitivity?
4- Dry or wet dentin.
5- Sclerotic dentin bonding.
6- pulp capping ; Yes or No ?

Modern Cavity Design

Matrices and wedges:
1- Why sectional?
2- Which sectional matrix? (Various Types).
3- Ring; From old metal to new V ring & bioclear rings
4- No ring situation.
5- Wooden wedge modification.
6- Pre-wedging.
7- Diamond wedge revolution.
8- Teflon wedge.

Composite placement and application techniques:
1- Condensation.
2- Smear.
3- Injection (heated composite).
4- Snow plow technique.
5- Sonic fill.
6- Bulk fill technique.
7- Final layer anatomy carving.
8- Beauty of stains.(video only)

Polishing and finishing:
1- How to finish composite without loss anatomy?
2- How to get highly polished surface?
3- How to remove high spots?

**Each participant will do (Practical work):
Dr Abdelrahman tawfik will show us through his microscope how to isolate and restore with very fine detailed anatomy !!

Isolation hands-on:
1- Do quadrant isolation use wing and wingless clamp
2- Use soft tissue Brinker retractor clamp
3- Use Teflon
4- Do floss ligature
5- Learn and do inversion

Composite hands-on:
1- Learn how to use sectional matrix (different mattices)
2- How to use V ring & Bioclear ring
3- How to build proximal wall (convert class 2 to class 1)
4- How to do accurate and nice anatomy (using style italiano instruments)
5- Learn how to polish and finish composite (video only)

N.B: All the hands-on will be done on special Nissin casts as they stimulate the natural ginigva perfectly.

  • Date : January 28, 2018 - January 29, 2018
  • Venue : The Grand Plaza Hotel Somuah - Alexandria