Basic Occlusion Principles in Daily Dental Practice

Occlusion Terminology Keywords to simplify your occlusion Journey Conformative Vs. Reorganized When to and when not to? Occlusion Paper thicknesses and armamentarium Setting up your occlusion drawer Restorative Occlusion Posterior crowns and bridges, Class I and II Esthetic Occlusion Anterior crowns and bridges, Veneers and Class IV Periodontal Occlusion Traumatic Occlusion Simple Implant Occlusion How […]
Full mouth rehab ( Advanced restorative dentistry )

“Advanced Restorative Dentistry” *Speaker :(Dr Alina Ruzanova)-Fixed Prosthodontic Specialist-Board Member and Admin of RIPE Dental Community-Specialized in Comprehensive Full Mouth Rehabilitation First Day 31.10.2018 . Lectures and cases presentation: 9AM to 6PMTopics : 1.. TREATMENT PLANNING Decoding patients complain.Putting together a purpose-oriented treatment plan.Cases that require a comprehensive approach. Maybe more than just wear cases?Registering […]
Simplifying Occlusion As Simple As It Should Be

6 comprehensive and condensed days of Occlusion courseSpeaker: Dr. Ahmed Osman “MFDS & DSD certified member”In this course you will learn:how to make examination of joints & muscles, Diagnosis of TMJ problems, Occlusal Appliances , treatment plans for full mouth rehabilitation cases , articulator & face bow , how to take a face bow record […]